Best From Beauty To Business

From Beauty to Business is a column that provides tips, tricks and advice for women who want to start their own businesses. It is written by Rosemary Prince, a successful businesswoman with over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry. This column is a great resource for women who are looking to start their…

Best Of Dark Vector: Clive Cussler

Clive Cussler is a well-known adventure writer and underwater explorer. In “The Sea Hunters,” he and co-author Craig Dirgo recount some of the amazing historical finds made by Cussler’s NUMA (National Underwater & Marine Agency). These include the remains of John Paul Jones’ ship, the Bonhomme Richard, as well as the Confederate submarine Hunley. Why…

Best Advent Festive German Bakes

Germany is renowned for its delicious sweet and savory baked goods. From tender, flaky strudels to rich, buttery Christmas stollen, there is something to tantalize everyone’s taste buds. And what better time to enjoy these delectable treats than during the festive Advent season? Whether you are in Germany or elsewhere, here are some of the…

Best Joyce Carol Oates On Boxing

Joyce Carol Oates is considered one of America’s best contemporary writers. She has written over 70 novels, as well as many short stories, plays, and essays. Oates is also a well-respected boxing critic, and her essay “On Boxing” is considered one of the best pieces ever written on the sport. In “On Boxing,” Oates examines…